The fresh produce sector has kept to traditional logistics channels for a long time. This means that fresh produce is transferred via many links in the chain before arriving at its destination. Different solutions are required in a time where transport is closely monitored because of sustainability. The logistical model of Fresh Source ensures that producers and customers can make an effective contribution towards reducing the transport required for products.
We move from A to B, instead of from A to E.

Transporting products of multiple companies at once
This approach results in significant environmental gains, particularly for our largest product group – outdoor-grown vegetables from Spain. In many cases, vegetables are delivered from the cultivation location directly to the Netherlands. Fresh Source does things differently: a specialized transport company in Spain optimizes the contents of its cargo and minimizes the number of kilometres its vehicle needs to drive by sending its transport vehicle to a number of companies to collect produce before departing for the Netherlands. Once the transport company arrives in the Netherlands, we transport the products directly to the distribution centre or to the point of sale. Our logistics processes ensure that the quality of the products remains optimal, thanks to our use of cooled transport.
Advanced in IT
Innovative IT solutions are an important part of Fresh Source’s logistical processes. Our automated facilities have replaced as much manual labour as possible. This results in time gained which increased flexibility and makes it easier to perform checks.